(Warning: Disgustingness ahead. If you are squeamish, do not read any further)
You know the saying "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose" right? Mostly, that is true. A certain friend, who shall remain nameless
(Dr Jason Young) had the brilliant idea to "realign" the bones and
cartilage in my nasal cavity. He thought possibly it might be contributing to my headache. I told him if it worked, he would be elevated to HERO status in my world. And that I would blog about him. However, didn't necessarily work like we wanted, but I am blogging about it anyway.
In short, he threaded a finger condom (mini balloon thingy) up into my nasal passages. Then, he blew up the balloon. OUCH!!!! I could feel my stuff snap into place, and my ears popped. He did this in each little nasal passage, so a total of 6 times. This was followed by
copious amounts of snot and lubricant exiting my nose...
continuously. So today, post nasal drip has caused major sore throat, continued drainage, and made my voice go funny. Good thing I didn't really need to talk today huh? Let's just hope that this will go away shortly, and not turn into a full blown sinus infection. I have managed to go all winter without illness (well, except the headache, but really started in the fall, so I don't count it anymore.)
And the moral of the story is, if anyone offers to "realign your nasal
cavity" JUST SAY NO!!!