Sunday, April 25, 2010

Playing Catch-up

Whew!! I feel like my life has been a whirlwind for the past few weeks. Let me give you just a glimpse...come back with me to the week the show opened (let's begin on April 12). and then 2 dress rehearsals. Tuesday, school then dress rehearsal. Wednesday, school, then final dress rehearsal. Thursday, school then opening nite for one cast (they did AMAZING!) Friday, school then opening nite for the other cast (who did SUPER!) Saturday (hold on to your hats this is where is gets fun...) two shows, followed by a visit to the ER *which I will address more a little later*. Technically that carries us through to sunday morning, but who is really paying attention to what day it is at this point? Sunday, I cancelled everything and spent the day in bed. Didn't help, since I ended up back in the ER sunday nite. Monday morning, Collaborative Inquiry at the high school (yes, it was optional, no I really didn't need to go, other than to prove to myself that I wasn't dying and still capable of being human.) Slept most of the day monday, then had closing show for one cast (still doing a wonderful job.) Tuesday, doctor appt, then rehearsal with Athey Creek MS choirs, then closing show for the other cast, followed by set strike (which I didn't do much of). Wednesday, accompany Athey Creek MS choirs for choir festival, then sleep, then book club. Thursday, slept for much of the day, cast party, then hung out at home. Friday, took it easy, worked on homework from the week of classes that I missed, worked on my presentation for Stake Women's conference, managed for the first time in about 1 1/2 weeks to eat something without throwing it back up! (yay! take pleasure in the small victories, I say). Then Saturday (yesterday) presented a class on Blogging for Stake Women's Conference. After which I promptly came home and spent the remainder of the day on the couch.

WHEW!! Does that make you tired? Cuz it sure does me! Add in there not really sleeping well and not being able to eat much of anything and you have one really tired, sore, and grouchy Megan. So today will be dedicated to doing the remainder of the homework that I didn't get done, attending my beautiful sister's choir concert (if I am not too drugged to drive) and trying to get ready for the rest of this week!

I know I promised you an explanation of the ER visits and being sick, but unfortunately, I am going to ask you to wait another week until I have completed all the medical stuff. I know it's not fair, but there you go.

and btw, I totally just realized I made a super catchy title for this post! Since all I have been doing is play stuff, and catching up on stuff I missed!! Get it? Teehee! Sometimes I am too clever for my own good.

I must put in one final word about Beauty and the Beast. I thoroughly enjoyed working with the kids on this show. I was continually amazed watching these talented young people! I made some wonderful connections, which I hope will continue. Mostly, this experience just helped solidify in my mind that I am doing the right thing in going back to school. (yes, you have my permission to refer me to this post when I question why I am back in school.)

Alright, it's time for meds, then a nap!

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